

by - 5:01 AM

Tea had been the second most consumed beverage in the world, next to water. It is a beverage made from processed leaves, buds and/or twigs of the plant Camelia sinensis in hot water. And as popular as it is, tea actually plays an important role in diverse cultures - from Chinese Tea Ceremonies to British Afternoon Tea and High Tea. These people celebrate and share their love for tea - that's them! Me, on the other hand, I'm not the biggest fan of tea. I somehow ended up hating its bitter taste. What I like drinking though, is a version of tea, iced tea - its sweeter end. One of my all time favorites is the Sola Iced Tea.
Glass Bottled Sola Iced Tea
Canned Sola Iced Tea
Sola Iced Tea is considered one of the best tasting iced tea in the Philippine market today. It is a mixture of black tea leaves, natural fruit flavors, water and sugar. For me, it is a smart move to use black tea leaves on making their brand's iced tea because black tea leaves are more oxidized as compared to oolong, green or white tea leaves. It has this stronger flavor than the less oxidized tea - this, in a way gived Sola Iced Tea its all natural and brewed flavors. Black tea is usually brewed at high temperatures in a short period of time to prevent the tea on having a bitter taste. After the brewing process, the tea is strained before serving, or in Sola's case, before packaging.
Sleepover ft. Drinking Sola Iced Tea
Ah. The packaging process. The Sola Iced Tea is pasteurized and vacuum packed in a durable 473-mL glass bottle incorporated with a safety metal cap that pops up when the seal is broken - this could be your indication if the product is still new and fresh. Its packaging completely makes sense since glass bottles keep that fresh and natural flavors of tea than the other types of packaging - glass bottles are inert, meaning it does not chemically interact with the other materials and the product itself. But with this great design, I always hated the fact that is really fragile and relatively bulky. As my favorite drink, it is not easy to carry it anywhere. However, because of a recent type of technology, canning tea is made possible! And as of this year, Sola optimized this type of technology. Yay! What I love about this new Sola packaging is that it is really sleek and you can basically take it anywhere (finally). The canned Sola also tastes the same compared to the glass bottled ones, which is an amazing thing! Canned products tend to loose the freshness of the products sealed but somehow the company were able to keep it. The canning method preserves any type of food by heating it to a temperature that kills contaminating microorganisms, making the food safe to consume (same as that of the glass bottled ones).
The Benefits of Drinking Tea
© Photos in the collage belong to shutterstock.com, medical-labs.net, engt.ae and compoundchem.com. The photos are not of my own.
With all that process comes benefits from drinking tea. Tea keeps the body hydrated. It boosts your body's antioxidants - tea has eight to ten times polyphenol antioxidants, something that scavenges free radicals, reducing inflammatory response in the body. Tea is also a source of manganese (Mn) - Mn maintains the strength of the bones and supports metabolism. It chills the nerves - tea causes to lower the levels of hormone cortisol - a steroid hormone that is released in response to stress and low blood-glucose concentration. And lastly, it helps the heart. It reduces the percentage of having a heart attack by lowering the levels of the Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), a blob made up of an outer rim of lipoprotein and cholesterol center that clogs the arteries and causes the heart attacks and strokes.
OOTD by ayacheei ft.Sola Iced Tea
Sola Iced Tea
At the moment, Sola Iced Tea has three flavors (473 mL, glass bottle) Sola Lemon Iced Tea, Sola Peach Iced Tea and Sola Raspberry Iced Tea, and two flavors (250 mL, can) Sola Lemon Iced Tea and Sola Raspberry Iced Tea. The bottled version of Sola is sold in most supermarkets and convenient stores nationwide. The canned version of Sola, on the other hand, is sold in 7-Eleven stores nationwide, Lawsons, All Day and Robinsons Supermarket in Metro Manila. Get your Sola now and satisfy your thirst. #DiscoverTheDifference And while at it, try the California Crunch and the Stellina's Lemonade.<3

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